i can’t belive that BS, the US is turning to “she eye T”
soon Microsoft will change its name to the “United States of America”
and i will get linux instead LOL
I’m not sure what your point is on this one AL? In most of your posts your’e punting for the Feds to keep out of the affairs of private enterprise.
Now you want them to keep control of the media, ie private enterprise?
actually fligh %
all AL’s posts i have seen are against LARGE MONOPOLYS.
i don’t think they are about keeping the government out of things, rather than making sure the government is responsible and leaves the power in the hands of the MANY rather than the hands of the FEW.
his messages is pretty consistant
(me avoids Al-Capone’s threads… hey, they’re political, and politics is/are boring)
PS: Weird new avatar, Pligh %… :o
Cube wrote:
Weird new avatar, Pligh %…
Goes with what bafoon said in my sig, no?
I’ll wait for Al’s word on that, alltaken.
You don’t understand, this may be news on the limit of big buissness, but the fact of the matter is, that the big boys in the media are influnecing the FCC so that they can have the balls played in there owned court. It’s the FCC power to pass laws at will that is the danger here and this is my concern with patients and copyright laws as well. This is also my fear of government with the authority to pass bills and admend admendments as well, the threats are one of the same.
The only way to make sure that the people will remain free, is to make sure that politition and authority are striped away of there powers and authority to prevent such special interest and tyrrany from ever taking place.
The only logical methods of dealing with this type of problem, is to have public votes or get rid of the FCC all together. They don’t play a part of safty but safty and control of what can be done.
If you really want to know the impact of big media, then look tour Iraq.
Now that’s exactly what is wrong in the world today (well, not perhaps the whole world, but in quite many western nations anyway). No, not the boredness of politics, but the kind of attitude that CubeFan displays here.
Now that’s exactly what is wrong in the world today (well, not perhaps the whole world, but in quite many western nations anyway). No, not the boredness of politics, but the kind of attitude that CubeFan displays here.[/quote]
same people who don’t vote!!!
becasue they say “i don’t like any politicians, so i’ll just sit here and complain while NOT VOTING” “and i’ll also say how bad other countrys are because they don’t alow the vote, while i am watching ym TV NOT VOTING”
arrghhh and why does someone like cube bother replying if he has nothing to add!!!
OK Al and Altaken, I took the time to search all posts by Al_Capone, and yes, there were some comments about large monopolies but there was a hell of a lot more about Government, Feds, FCC, IRS, Political Parties and The Constitution. A brief synopsis of relevant comments limited to fairly recent posts reads something like this:
ever since I got into politics and the Liberty of my country, I found alot of impose ignorants that they never teach me in history. Example, we kick the chinese out, Gerneral Custord murder indians men women and children, then sold the land for profit. The 14th admendment was illegal, the definition of Gross income tax was change, by the IRS and the jurys right of an impartial jury were ignored.
It’s like the Liberals, “Collect taxes for educating kids, roads, creating jobs, wellfare and healthcare” While in reality it’s its better to privitize or done through charity.
What’s “Run Lola Run” about ? The only reasion why school is so importent in todays world is to make people dependent on others, so the econamy keep running and polictions live like kings while collecting the taxes.
Example, I use Dish Network, FCC pass a law that says Dish satalite can’t be used as an local antena, again, government prevent progress.
True, need to move the job out of slugs and politians tour the indivisial but we also need to take away most of taxes, fees, laws, regalation that preven self employ buissness and small buissness as well. Example, Dish network can’t use it’s dish as an antena for local stations, because it goes against FCC regerlation.
The origional constitution is just find, it’s the illegal ones that congress keep passing that needs to be change, America need to take away the rights of congress to pass admendments, like bill saids on the Simptons “If we could just change the bill” “Then we could do what the hell we want” Democracy isn’t going to keep American liberty unless polictions are limited.
Partly correct, it’s aim at government in the world bank, IMF and World Trade organization, the people need to get rid of this or get government out of these instatution. The people aren’t making jobs they being dependent on government and we all saw the effects of that when the troops free iraq.
“If it’s government solution to the problem, chances are it’s worst then the solution” True politicions hold the choices and this is what I mean by a people democracy or a government democracy. We need to stop voting for polition that wants to improve the systom and introducing new or better things, we need to stop electing carear polictions and believing that writing is going to influence them. We need to forcus on polictions that take away these federalization of the public and strictly stand with the comman law.
Well said, but for the last time, America isn’t a Democracy and try to vote for less government
Acasto, we are the government, so why the feds telling you what to do ?
If Amercians let government gain complete control then all those men that faught and die was simply in vien,
we know better then to trust a high authority, remember, dictalors and communist alike runs a country by COMPLETE CONTROL. Don’t be so foolish to give up your freedom for the sake of tempority safty.
I would have to disagree, when you put regerlation and taxes on the econamy you destroying jobs and affordable alternitive,
For the note of it I may be regerster as a libertarian but my view is less government, so I see myself a mixture of Reform, we the people, revolution, libertarian party, but don’t expect candidates to be one base on there banner,
Its up to us as an indivisial to take matters into our own hands and not be dependent “like fossial burning automotives” on govenment and polictions.
This isn’t the xfiles, its tyrrany that scares me the most
For the most part it’s pretty clear that the underlying message here is less Govt and to remove the ability of Government and bussiness to influence one another. Note my concession… I would have left it at Govt influencing bussiness but I’ll concede for your benefit. Either way if the FCC does nothing you damb them for having excess control and if they deregulate you damb them for pandering to Big Bussiness and assisting them to monopolize. And if you get rid of the FCC who then will regulate the airwaves? The Military? The FBI? It is after all these two entities and their necessity for secure frequencies that make some form of regulation necessary in the first place.
Right now the most relevant line from the above quote is the last one.
You didn’t have to research the forum. Yes the lack of laws would make the media bigger, but it’s the copyright and patient laws that kept them big in the first place. Without these laws they wouldn’t be able to afford to stay in buissness or even worse, people just might actialy think !!! But what would happen if the media do become too big ? How long will they be able to run the airway ? Chances are they will end up like bill gates and either get too greedy with there sells or someone would just go independent with there own media, I really don’t see the point of controlling something you can’t see, that’s like going to another world and charging alians for the airwave they recieve.
ok i agree with you fligh % but i also agree with al capone on some things
personally i think that GOVERNMENT CONTROL is a good thing, if done properly, i mean what is the government for really???
i think that without the FCC then peoples handheld phones would interfear, radios would be muddled etc…
without laws people would shoot others etc…
i think control and restrictions a re needed, but i think they are needed to benifit the people rather than the large corperations.
Mickey mouse!!!
disney owns a copy right to this and has owned it for longer than the LEGAL period of time, it should be public domain and free for all to copy, develope and use for their own use.
BUT its not its owned by disney who is making benfits on a public icon that many generations can relate too.
privatisation i think is stupid, roads should be government run. i mean how silly is it needing to go through 5 toll roads, owned by differnt companys just to get across the city (australia)
so yeah i agree some laws that promote LARGE INDUSTRY are absolutly stupid and counter productive (e.g. the fcc rule that started this thread)
while a certain amount of control means that things can be standardised like driving on the left or right side of the road is standardised.
international road markings (e.g. green traffic lights)
without aurthoritys these would be purple and mauve rahter than red/green
things like that.
I was hoping this post would die when I saw how few posts there were the first couple of days, but I must say that I’m getting a bit fed up with the economic activism, especially when there are bigger issues here.
For example, if a child is born premature at 21 weeks they do everything they can to keep it alive, meaning that it is a viable life at that age, while a woman who doesn’t want a child can legally terminate the pregnancy with no repercussions.
A woman is now facing murder charges for killing her child while it was still in the birth canal, yet in most states if a doctor does it it’s called partial birth abortion and considered legal. Why not point out the inconsistancies shown in determining whether it’s a life or a mass of cells instead of these conspiracies and misunderstandings?
We need to forget about all of this economic crap. I don’t like the idea of monopolies, but people would still have work if they existed. However, there are other crusades (such as the war against domestic violence, child pornography, etc. I just used abortion because it’s the one most people relate to) that can actually save lives.
The job of the government is to protect the country from forien invadors.
Yes, but companys would find a way to either agree on standerds or find different means of sending them, but why should picking up a signal be illegal since it doesn’t interfear with trasmission ?
You mean without comman laws which is completely different then federal, state and local laws. But why do you think your repressors are concern with your person or indivisial freedom ?
The only differents between privitising and taxes is that with privitising you know what you paying for as for taxes, you don’t have a singal ideal what amount goes to where and you have to authority to decide where you want it to go otherwise. As for roads, yes, government should have a part in privitizing it but with the consent and fees they pay that goes over privite property, it also cost alot more to pay through public then it does by privite, privitizing will save alot of money as well as create jobs.
And with authority you have fire, make sure the people control the government, not the other way around.
Al capone i have to disagree on your views of government.
yep US government is pretty poor (CURRENTLY may i add). the thing is once it gets too far from its original purposes of protecting the people and offering the greatest good, then a civil war will begin and a revolt (i think its on the way in the US soon)
as for privitisation i think its a SHIT idea, it only asks for forgein ownership and PRICE RISES.
our power grid was privatised (used ot be government owned)
and its turned to price fixing, etc… just as so many other industrys like OIL PRICE FIXING. while when the government had control of these things they were at a NO PROFIT MARGIN. meaning they were not charging the consumers much.
same with our telecomunications industry. all owned by OVERSEAS MONOPOLYS, yep it was a monopoly for years. while with the government in control it was at least a good monopoly(for the people) rather than an international monopoloy
it also doesn’t mean that private comapnys are NOT ALLOWED TO COMPEAT. it just means the halting of public assets being sold to the private BIG BIDDERS.
i think goverment ownership of assests is an important part of keeping a country in the peoples hands.
the day all of New Zealand is owned by Yanks, and Japs (its on the way now) is the day i feel its not my country.
i wish my government would buy back these things they stupidly sold off, to keep the profits IN the country, while currently all my money from power and phones are going over seas.
as for cheapness of government owned things, yep its more expensive to run.
DO YOU KNOW WHY (my dad worked for the government as a manager for years so knows the system)
because they have red tape YEP RED TAPE, they need to consult the PUBLIC before doing things, they need to do research before changing somthing and they have LAWS to follow that protect the people from them misusing their power.
so privatisation of MAJOR INFRASTRUCTUR i think is a stupid idea!!!
private bussiness’s are fine
WIRING (comunications)
i feel the government should have control of, while allowing PRIVATE versions of these to exist, i feel the government needs to offer an alternative.
e.g. a private toll road, shouldn’t be the only route to a place.
or a private DOCK shouldn’t be the only international access to the country.
leaseing the rights to other compeating companys is a GOOD THING.
it creates the competition needed.
e.g communications networks all being connected through the government but the rights a rented out to multiple companys.
as for FCC communications. reciving signals is not illegal to my understanding.
however CRACKING, HACKING, DECRIPTING, etc… signals that you recive is illegal.
like hacking satelite TV, is illegal!!!
I actually have a lot I could say to you on this subject but for one it’ll sound patronizing and also I feel that by seeing the problems of the FCC as somehow mixed up with copyright and patent law puts us at loggerheads. Anyway, you’ve had 18 months to submit evidence to the FCC comity, the resolution has been adopted and anything said will be purely academic.
Alltaken, how does Disneys’ economic rights to Micky revert to the public simply because it is considered an icon? Catterpillar, Boeing, National Geographic are all American Icons. Does that allow me to publish a mag and call it National Geographic?
Correct, they been playing daddy tour the people, while failing to do the job they the people elected them to do. Civil war isn’t bad in America, It’s actialy a right, We have the right tour a revolution, we have the right tour a malisha, we have the right to defend ourself with whatever works.
Sooner or later government fails, sooner or later government will go against the will and liberty of the people and it seems to be written in stone through out the world.
Only if the resource isn’t available in your country, prices rise, good, people will be force to change there luxery, they will be force to use renewable energy, they will be force to use bio diesal, they will be force to use horses, they will be force to raise there own food, for every bad there’s a good, but America will emprove, by finding there own resorce and perform service that people can do through free trade and the limitnation of minimal wage and family value laws.
Because of government, America is the biggest importer/exporter in the world, America produce more then it consume and more then half the country is pencial pusher over weight people. Because of this, American jobs lies at stake because someone decide not to play war by Demcracy rules and government are just to envoulve to forcus on the real threat at hand. I would rather have security and liberty over jobs, if there is no jobs, go back to farming, that was Americas mistake in the first place.
Not the jap excuse again, it’s the world band, IMF and the government behind it that’s taking us over, not the yanks and the japs, there’s poor people in Japan too you know.
That’s a proper check and balance tour your country at least, but America Republic don’t work that way, it’s completely different and been perverted and abuse from the first civial war. The only option the America have is electing a different politicton and be dumb enough to believe they really care, this is the belief of Democracy, a form of voting for the lessor of two tyrant so the tyranny will be less then the other. You fail to see the fault America had, first the 14th admendment were illegal it was never ratify by 3/4 of the state, second, the peoples jury isn’t aware of there full rights, so we only have control over evidents instead of law and the evidents that suppose to be in question. It’s the ignorants of public education and time that is the threat to America, it’s the dumming down of the education systom.
What about the issue of shaken & shurikens, why can’t people owned them, carry them and use them for self defence ?
You have pedophile, snuff and encryption laws don’t you.
A little harsh for tinkering in the privicy of your own home, don’t you think ? Nice to know that big media can control what you think, ain’t it ?
copyright laws do make the media over productive, but by taking out the copyright laws and leting the FCC rules go, it’s will greatly balance things out.
But you right, I did mix up patent
copy right laws and patents are a good thing (on some things)
my mum works at the patent office, and most of her friends are in copyright, and trade mark jobs.
i actually think they are a good thing, and current laws in america SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT TO STOP COPYRIGHT ISSUES
the current laws say that once somthing has been around for a certain time. e.g. a logo, an icon, a symbol, a book a design, a patent, etc…
that it transfers into PUVLIC DOMAIN, where people have the right to copy, alter reproduce, profit off etc… an idea that is now common knowledge or part of the culture.
the thing that stops this law from being effective is LARGE BUSSINESS, i gave the disney example because disney has taken OLD STORYS like pinociho (or however you spell it) and has created characters around it, then got copyrights on these characters (even traditional old ones)
they become part of the culture BUT are never owned by the public. even if the time limit expires (as disney goes to court against the government asking for an extension which is gladly given)
the thing is things like POOH BEAR, are copyrighted. the new ones that is (not the originals)
its actually ILLEGAL to sell t-shirts with POOH on the front, if you arn’t paying royaltys.
by the law they should eb public domain, but the government bending of the law, has resulted in mompolys on these things.
as for copyright and patent, the entire idea behind them (i know my mum works there and i am applying for a trade mark) is to PASS THE KNOWLEDGE ON, while creating a period where rights can be held by a profiting person or company.
in the old days, knowledge was lost because there were no public records about them (trade secrets like KFC’s spice recipie)
the patent system was created to give people confidence that they would be protected from copys (somthing you don’t have if its a trade secret).
while retaining the knowledge for future generations to look back on and improve apon!!!
its to give the ideas objects, and techinologys to the mass’s for future development, rather than letting it rott in the back of some guys shed.
It may sound good on paper, however I believe it prevent better production and improvement, the faster someone can get a hold on something, the quicker it will be improve upon, but you will never have a computer in your home today if copyright laws exist back then, for the fact of the matter is, the people who created and sell those punch cards with holes in them, believe they should be added on to others freely. It’s just not logical to patient/copyright math formula and science, because it’s no creation, just descovery.