Can someone please help me im haveing a bit of a texture problem I deleted the materals for my model and now when I go into play model the textures try to overlap each other and I don’t know how to fix this problem. I have been spending alot of time trying to solve this problem but no solution has arised. Pictures of the problem are posted below.
With the minimal infomation you supplied, the first thing is to check your normals are facing the correct way. Select all faces and Ctrl+N. If that doesn’t help give a link so other users can download your blend file (you can host it here Something you SHOULD DO for all support questions as it can stop other users wasteing their time trying to help you.
sorry, i did not look into the blend-file, because the model
looks like one available for free download. If i remember it,
it is made of triangles and the texture is uv-mapped.
So, if you delete the material, you have deleted the setup
for the uv-mapping of the texture too.
And if you made a mistake, you may have already created
a new uv-unwrap that is not the same like from the original model.
If some faces are overlapping in the uv-unwrap, you get this
mixing of texture. That could be a wanted setup, for example
if you have the same faces share the same texture - but in your
example not.