help! textures flicker when objects are far from camera

hey guys,

so i saw a few other threads on flickering issues, but they always seemed to be related to texture coordinate issues, which i don’t think is the issue in my case (everything is properly uv mapped and no procedurals):

i have a project with a large map that zooms into certain regions in detail. when zoomed in, all the objects look fine up close, however as you zoom back they begin to flicker in the way you might expect if there were duplicate or overlapping faces. i checked and there aren’t, but i wonder if small details get interpreted as such when the camera gets sufficiently far away.

does anyone know of a way to force the renderer to calculate distant occlusion with a greater degree of precision to avoid problems like this? or is there any other likely culprit?

thankyou so much to anyone who can offer some advice on this! a project hangs in the balance!

Have you tryed to recalculate the Normals?
That is the first thing I would try…sorry I can not answer your question with forcing the render,maybe some one else

P.s It also would help if you can upload a screen shoot;)