Help the Principled BSFD isn´t linking to Material Output "Surface"

Hello everyone, i ´m placing the texture/materials in the blender in my house plan, however when i tried to link the “Principled BSDF” to the “Material Output” in “Surface” it doesn´t works. So my question is: what is the resolution for this problem?

Hi, hard to say without a .blend, you could try to delete all nodes and add the material in the Material slot.
You cant add/remove materials in the Edit mode, change to Object mode.
If you add a material it automatic create a BSFD node.

Cheers, mib

Hi, mib2berlin.

I send you the blend file of my project to support me, please, because i tried to do as you said but it didn´t works…

I expect your answer/feedback.

Cheers, Quencyjones.
casa moderna alterada.blend (733.5 KB)

For some reason It seems yr object empty is an empty/axis being displayed as an image plane.

Emptys cant have materials.

So I would change empty for a plane or grid.

Hope that helps

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It is “empty as a Reference image”, that’s why it has an image…:wink:

I don’t know why the noodles wouldn’t connect, I have never seen that result unless the nodes were too close together but even with them closer together in your file, I can still connect them.

As far as the texture being applied…your whole house is a single object…the Plane is just a section of the whole…which has a material assigned to it already…so you are trying to apply a different material, which needs to be done in a different way than you are doing it…

Trying to add materials to different sections of a joined mesh isn’t an easy task, and needs to have the material created in edit mode and assigned to the selected faces…but 9/10 times when you try to add that material it fails…usually due to not being named, and the materials read from the top down so the first material will over-ride the second…

In your case since the floors are easy to separate, I would separate them from the whole mesh and then apply the new texture in Object mode…far simpler to do…

Hello AlphaChannel, in the moment that i was doing your suggestions about the linking of BSFD to material output “Surface”, some options were hidden (see image), how to display to put my empty object as plane as you mentioned.

I send you also my blend file to support me, please.

I would appreciatte if you send me a printscreen or video to see how i have to do to put the hidden options and also to place the textures/materials as you said.
modern house.blend (762.8 KB)