HELP! Trying to instance an object to all of the verts of a poligonal grid

When I try to do this, the particles don’t populate some verts and double up on others. I turned off random but this doesn’t fix it. If I crank up the number of particles to make all the verts get populated by my instance object, then some verts have multiple instances on them. My question is, how do I get my object to be instanced on each one of the verts of the grid mesh with no duplicates and none missing. The problem I’m having is say there are 240 verts in the mesh that I want to use for instancing… If I add a particle system with 240 particles and set it to verts and turn off random (also no physics) I wind up with particles no going to all the verts and some verts have more than one particle. It seems 2.79 had more options for particle emmision. Any ideas? Thanks!

If you don’t want to run a particle sim on it, you can use the instancing feature (formerly knowns as dupliverts).

Parent the instance object to the grid object, then set Object->Instancing->Verts.

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Can you provide a blend file with the problem ? I’m not able to reproduce it on my end.