help: Vista and the 'b' key

I recently switched to Windows Vista after getting a new computer and installed blender 4.28.1. While in edit mode, clicking the ‘b’ key usually makes a box appear when the mouse is pressed, which increases and decreases in size when the mouse is dragged, and vertices within the box are selected when the mouse is released. Everything about the process works normally, except the box doesn’t appear. Vertices are selected as though the box was there, but it isn’t visible. Does anyone know what the cause of the problem is? Is Blender incompatible with Vista?

Thanks for any help.

Try getting new Open GL 2.0 drivers, it may be Window’s Vista’s native crappy OpenGL support because they don’t want to support a competitor to DirectX

Another trick I found that works well is to right click on your blender icon on the desktop, in the compatibility tab run under windows xp compatibility and disable desktop composition.

but updating your drivers should be the first thing you do, not that this solves all problems I still can’t get any panel that draws a curve; rgb nodes, light curves, or brush curves to do so.

That’s weird. I’ve been using Blender with Vista for quite awhile now with no problems at all.

One thing to note is that Blender runs BETTER with Aero enabled. This might seem counter-intuitive, but I got a noticeably smoother experience once Aero was enabled. In general, you shouldn’t have to update OpenGL drivers, and I’m not even sure if you CAN. However, updating your GRAPHICS card drivers from or would definitely be the very very first thing to do.


Those drivers provide an openGL implementation, saying graphics card drivers and openGL drivers are synonymous (unless you use a software implementation like Mesa).


This really depends on driver version (older drivers didn’t give the smoother Aero experience) and video card brand (like old matrox and some intel chips just won’t cut it).

If you have a reasonably new video card and the latest drivers, then Aero may very well be good to turn on :slight_smile:


I have exactly the same problem under windows XP. Plus a few other bits are missing. Not that that helps. I was told it was to do with updating the graphics card drivers, but that proved hard.

The second comment about running blender under Windows XP worked perfectly. I didn’t know that was possible. The box appears now when b is pressed, and another weird problem has been fixed (parts of the blender startup image appearing underneath popup menus).

glad my tip worked I had the same set of problems running Blender or Wings in vista and that what worked for me.

hmm, I dont have any issues with blender and vista.:evilgrin:

Sorry to hear about your problems. I had so many problems when I was running Linux. And then they say that its superior to

Windows Vista, XP, Mac or linux…I think most of the problems come from

  1. Drivers
  2. User

Im using Vista no problem. but Ive used Linux too with no problem. As far as your B key goes, I don’t know the answer for you. Sorry.