First of all, I just wanted to say thank you for even going to the website, let alone posting a reply! There’s been more of a response than I thought there would be.
@ RogerWickes
Yes, DFACS (the mousetrap) is supposed to represent the Departement of Family And Children Services. Basically, here is what’s going on…Last year, in Atlanta, some children were kidnapped from their families by DFACS. Not because of abuse (although they may have falsely accused the families with that), but because, for the most part, their homeschooled. I’m a homeschool student, myself, and because my family is a member of the HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association), we don’t worry about stuff like this. If we wern’t apart of the HSLDA, we would probably live in a constant fear of being taken away from our parents.
I have a friend, in San Antonio, who is going through this very thing. She has a 2-3 year old daughter, whose father didn’t want anythign to do with her a couple of years ago. But now that the father is married (to someone else), he’s been charging her with false accusations and taking her to court! He even had her arrested on one account (though she was innocent and had done nothing worthy of being sent to jail).
In the film, we don’t show a “child mouse” being neither caught, nor killed. What we’re trying to show, is that DFACS is a danger. They have no authority to, literally, kidnap these children. There are certain laws set up that allow them to operate. But, for the most part, they don’t even obey those laws. There’s a great book about this sort of thing, written by a former police detective…“No Fear,” by Robert Surgenor. ISBN# : 1-57736-159-8
Anyways, from a homeschooler’s point-of-view, there is a very fine line. DFACS has their proper place, I’m sure. But when they continually overstep their bounds, targeting single mothers who can’t afford a lawyer, and homeschoolers, it makes it very difficult for me to “write them off” as a safe, God-ordained institution. I realize you may not have intended things this way. I’m sorry for rambling on so long, but…
@ ozo
Doug Phillips (founder of the Vision Forum, the orginization that started the SAICFF), was an attorney at the HSLDA and handeled many cases such as these. I also wanted to commend you for your discernment and not wanting to attach your name to something you don’t agree with. Thank you.
I hope everything was made clear. I know I write somewhat “scatter-brained,” so I apologize for that.
@ Calvin
Any tips you could offer would be most appreciated!
@ TKR101010
Thanks for the compliment.