Help with a metal material

I am following a tutorial on Youtube that has a metal material. It looks like its been turned on a lathe. I am trying to copy this but my material has some strange circles in the middle. I would post a picture but I am new and can only add one image. The circles look like the storm on Jupiter .

This is the Youtube link :

Can anybody spot what I got wrong.


What are the input settings adjusted to on the node group? Because if your bump strength is at the default of 1, it’s probably going to be way too much. The bump’s “distance” is in meters. By default, it will try to shade the object as if the bumps were 1 meter deep. If your object has been turned on a lathe, the bump’s distance should probably be more around 0.005 (half a millimeter).

By the way, changing the bump’s distance is more realistic on your shading than changing the strength (distance controls the depth of the grooves, strength just fades the effect).