Help with animate

Hi alll.

I have only used blender a few times and most recently a few months back. I have a blender file that I use occasionally for an intro for videos and just change the text for that need and render out.

I know I have had this issue before but after hours of button pushing I can’t figure it out.

I have my file done, choose QuickTime, press animate and it runs thru my 600 frames in about 5 seconds. Obviously nothing is being done as everything is black.

What am I doing wrong as to why it won’t start animating the whole sequence into a qt file?

Any help would be great. Thanks

My guess is that you’re trying to use the Sequence Editor but turned off “Do Sequence” in the render panels. Can you be more specific about your Blender version and what functions you’re using so we don’t have to guess? :slight_smile:

LOL. That was it!!! Thanks so much!!