Help with animation and Sound

Hi, and welcome to BA !

I would advice to do it in Blender because… Of course evething can be done with Blender :joy: :heart:
Basically, different options you have are :

  • Manually animate your scene (only keyframes, you can load a music in the sequencer and manually synchronize animations with the sound)
  • Use Blender Tool such as Bake sound to f-curve function. When you add a keyframe or driver, then in the Graph Editor you can find this function wich allows you to choose a range of frequency, and load a sound file, it will bake a driver on the sound, filtered by the choosen range of frequencies. Then you can use the driver for animating anything, location, rotation, scale, modifier param, etc… For example I made a “Vue Meter” baking the sound to the “number” param of an Array… And repeating the process for each choosen range of frequency
  • You can use MIDI and Python, to convert some MIDI data to Blender animations. A lot of people are trying this. For example en BA you could have a look on this topic

See you :slight_smile: ++