Help with cannon

I have not done blender in about 5 months now and i was never very good when i was doing it before. :stuck_out_tongue: I am working on a small animation but I am having some problems. My main object is a cannon. I need some help on many aspects.

The modeling of the object is not very good, it was a rough attempt. The bottom half needs more work but the top half needs some work too. I did all the modeling without a picture. Please critique this model and please tell me what i can do to make it better.

I haven’t touched texture at all, i am kind of confused on how to texture a cannon.

Any help is much appreciated. Let me know if you need more pictures.


hmm, not the best idea to post two threads about the same thing… you should probably get rid of one of them.

Ya i apologize for that. It seemed like the other thread was leading more into UV wrapping so i thought that maybe i should make this one more about the modeling aspect that i am missing.

do a search on gun this will give you some ideas on the texturing and modeling of guns
in general there are some good threads about it in this forum


It needs a spot where the shield opens so the gunner can see through to actually shoot at what hes aiming at, some handles so you can shoot it, and some sights so you can shoot accurately.

could we see a render, please!

thankss :wink:

I am going to close this thread. I have one like this in focused critiques. If you have any comments, please post is there.

How do i close a thread?

haha! lol i have no idea :wink:

You can’t only mods are able to close threads