help with checkbox propertie

Sorry a bit late of a reaction, here the part of the code for the panel. I now have a extra check which hides the other one know. What i dont like about this is that the panel is jumping and shows different layout. The layout doesnt stay the same, which i prefer.

class DATA_PT_thea_Emittance(DataButtonsPanel, Panel):    bl_label = "Emittance"

    def poll(cls, context):
        engine = context.scene.render.engine
        return (engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)

    def draw(self, context):
        checked = False
        layout = self.layout
        lamp = context.lamp
        row = layout.row()
        if(lamp is not None):
            if (lamp.thea_TextureFilename==""):
                row.prop(lamp, "color", text="")
            row.prop(lamp, "thea_TextureFilename")

            split = layout.split()
            colL = split.column()
            colR = split.column()
            if lamp.type in {'SPOT'} :
                sub = colL
                sub.enabled = lamp.thea_enableProjector == False
                sub.prop(lamp, "thea_enableIES")
            if lamp.type in {'SPOT'} and lamp.thea_enableIES:
                colR.prop(lamp, "thea_IESFilename")
                layout.prop(lamp, "thea_IESMultiplier")

            row = layout.row()
            split = layout.split()
            colL = split.column()
            colR = split.column()
            if lamp.type in {'SPOT'} :
                sub = row
                sub.enabled = lamp.thea_enableIES == False
                sub.prop(lamp, "thea_enableProjector")
            if lamp.type in {'SPOT'} and lamp.thea_enableProjector:
                colL.prop(lamp, "thea_ProjectorWidth")
                colR.prop(lamp, "thea_ProjectorHeight")
                split = layout.split()

            split = layout.split()
            colL = split.column()
            colR = split.column()
            split = layout.split()
            if (lamp.thea_enableIES == False) and lamp.type != 'SUN':
                colL.prop(lamp, "thea_EmittancePower")
#                sub = row
#                sub.enabled = lamp.thea_enableIES == False
#                sub.prop(lamp, "thea_enableProjector")
                layout.prop(lamp, "thea_EmittanceEfficacy")
            if lamp.type == 'SUN':
                colL.prop(lamp, "thea_EmittancePower")
                colR.prop(lamp, "thea_SunEmittanceUnit")
                layout.prop(lamp, "thea_SunAttenuation")
            elif (lamp.thea_enableIES == False):
                colR.prop(lamp, "thea_EmittanceUnit")
#            CHANGED > Added Sun for attenuation
            if lamp.type in {'POINT', 'SPOT', 'AREA'}:
                layout.prop(lamp, "thea_EmittanceAttenuation")
                #sub.prop(lamp, "distance")

    #             if lamp.falloff_type == 'LINEAR_QUADRATIC_WEIGHTED':
    #                 col.label(text="Attenuation Factors:")
    #                 sub = col.column(align=True)
    #                 sub.prop(lamp, "linear_attenuation", slider=True, text="Linear")
    #                 sub.prop(lamp, "quadratic_attenuation", slider=True, text="Quadratic")

                #col.prop(lamp, "use_sphere")

            if lamp.type == 'AREA':
                col.prop(lamp, "distance")
                col.prop(lamp, "gamma")

Sorry i build something in which prevents 2 options be active, that was my workaround. I also made one or the other inactive when one is checked so they cant be active at the same time


in which SVN do you get the IES patch ?
wish it was already in 2.78 !

does it work now ?

happy bl

Ow sorry no this is for a different render engine, im using Thea Render. Im sort of helping the coder a bit and re-arranging and adding small items.

I was really sure how to implement the example. Its seems the setup is a bit different then how this code looks