help with controllers (major project)

okay i need to make a serios game project this time. This time i am dead serious. i have been given two years to complete a game on GE with a rather large budget (for a game made on open engine at least) and if i dont finish the game, i fail two classes and dont graduate with the diploma i want.
im actually a little nervous… i cant just make 3d pac man and expect it to recive a passing grade. at the end of every year i will be presenting my project to a panel of four judges who specialize in my field (they will not tell me who untill the day of the judgeing). 10 days proir to judgeing im required to give them a stable copy of the game (1st year a stable demo, 2nd year the whole game.) they will have 10 days to play it, then i will have to present myself and a whole bunch of jazz about production and blah blah blah. they will then rate my project on a special grading scale and if i score high enough i get a special 2 credits which go to my diploma. but im the only one in the entire school attempting this, and the only one in my school who has EVER attempted this. no pressure right? O.o

well anyway, i think im off to a good start. i have almost all my concepts down and have a model which can run around, shoot, clamor over objects etc… but its a pain in the ass to control with the keyboard and easy as pie with a ps2 style gamepad. but how the hell am i suppose to make the judges play it with the same game pad? do i buy them each one and include it with the game? then wouldnt i need th gamepad’s company’s permission to include a gamepad with the game? there is no rule that says i HAVE to market my game, but then again… i really want others to play it. mabe if it was on an old consol like the ps2, but how the hell am i gonna get a blender game on the ps2!?! what if they dont even have a ps2 anymore!? im freakin out here man…

what would you do?

first, you shouldn’t tell us your personal dram because first we don’t really care ( at least I don’t) but anyway poor guy I have sort of solution for you. You should use joytoy to set up the gamepad. Go google and type joytoy and you’ll find happiness.

I hope it helps.

… im going to pretend that didnt just happen. :mad:
the question still stands.

he was sort right :wink:

you’re putting the cart before the horse anyway, make the game first, a solution for the controller is something for later on

Edit: Oh wait I’m gonna pretend that didn’t happen also :mad:

hello again young folk ! It was my mistake I Didn’t red the whole post because as I said I wasn’t this motivated to hear some drama queen. Anyway the joytoy was interesting because you would be able to set up your own gameplay but why are you bothering working with blender ? If you are good this smart ( your school ask you to do something better that gear of war ) you should try try a game library which allows you to work on console.

For example try xna I’m working with it right know and everything goes smoothly, it’s pretty easy to understand.

anyway you should stop acting big because because if you ask some advice for your controller advice you should at least listen what people tells you.
there is an off-topic section or create your own blog if you want to share this extraordinary life you have.

no no no thats not why im posting here! read carefully, im not bragging, im in a complete nervous break down because i volunteered (my school did not ask me) to do a project no one has ever attempted here before, and i think i bit off more than i can chew. listen to what im saying,… i posted that to let you know how deep of crap i got myself into, i cant even figure out the f#&@kin cotroll scheme yet.

sorry if it seems im blowing off your advice, but a “joytoy” is slang for a sex toy where im from.

you’re putting the cart before the horse anyway, make the game first, a solution for the controller is something for later on

i dont understand… how can i make a game if i cant interact with it as im building? :confused:

For example try xna I’m working with it right know and everything goes smoothly, it’s pretty easy to understand

i cant… i have to meet certain deadlines and i dont have time to learn it. :frowning:

It sounds like you should have much bigger things to worry about then what controller the player uses.

not really.
if i can make a game with terrible graphics, but is very fun to play, ive at least made something.

if the game has great graphics but pain in the ass controls,… you get the picture.

So you CANNOT pull out or anything?

Control scheme btw?
The most fully editable and functional and easy way to do this is to give the player properties of all the activities they can perform.
eg: “standing” “running” “jumping”


And then you have to decide what the player musn’t be doing to do each of these activities.
eg: (python)

import GameLogic
cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.getOwner()
standinganimation = cont.getActuator("standing animation")
if own.running == 0 and own.jumping == 0:
    own.standing = 1
    own.standing = 0
if own.standing == 1:

This was extremely successful with my game project (which I shall release sometime this week btw…:D:D:D:D)
PM me if you would like more in-depth information on things like climbing and pulling levers ect. (if its a 3rd-person game…).

Awhile ago, I was hoping to use a PS3’s Sixaxis controller with GameBlender, but programming USB/Bluetooth is a real pain. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any prebuilt tools for interfacing with the controller otherwise.

It would be really awesome to get Sixaxis control, maybe sometime in the future I’ll learn more about USB. Until then, maybe you can find a Python interface for another type of gamepad?

If you’re making a computer game, you should be making it with computer controls, hands down. No offense, but there are ways of getting very fun and controllable results with the keyboard and mouse.

I just wouldn’t make a game that you “can’t” make good controls with the keyboard. Games like Ocarina of Time are made for the platform they were on (IE, the N64 controller) and when you play them on a computer via emulator it can get downright difficult to play with a keyboard.

Try and think of different control schemes is my only advice. Mess with the keyboard controls until you get it right. If you’re showcasing a computer game, it should play like a computer game, not a console one.

What’s wrong with the drama? It kinds of give a context to the problem XD

Now for a more serious answer, there are generic control pads that are almost identical to ps2 controls (check out for Pctronics, Logictech and Genius for example), also Xbox 360 controls do work on windows OS, this means that if your games needs a control pad it can be said on its box “better play time using xxxx-pad”.

BUT you got to make an appropiate control set using the keyboard and mouse, because not everyone will go around buying a control pad for the pc, this is mostly as a precaution.

Now going back to personal problems: I don’t know whats wrong with you guys, someone has a problem and ask for help and for answer you give a “I don’t care about you”??? If you don’t care then don’t say anything at all.

You could have player-assigned controls. That way, if they don’t like the default controls you set up, or if they have a gamepad they want to use, they can change it to their liking. Just slip a “Controls” option in your pause menu. It should be fairly easy to do on a keyboard, I don’t know how hard it would be to make customized gamepad controls though.

Thanks bro…

old playstation old ? 10 years isnt old 20 isnt either 100 is tho?