help with conversion

Just installed Ubuntu in a virtual box and saw a nice application to construct a planet!
A script for 2.49 may be exported!

I like to conert the resulting Blender info to 2.59 which is solved for most of it already

I have some problems with this part, the vertex colors of the planet … will not succeed
at this moment.

Here the 2.49 function to set colors and vertex colors …

def f(mesh,material,v0,v1,v2,c0,c1,c2):

And a lot of data like this …

how to convert (19,245,0,255),(49,230,0,255),(26,241,0,255) the three colors in the data
for tri’s …
dividing by 255 does not do je job

white seems to be (255,255,255,255) (r g b a)

If I read a result from Bl 2.49 in Bl 2.59 and copy the vertexcolors from 2.49 verson to 2.59 version all is OK
See picture one.
and MY conversion result (using x/255.0)

my f is this

teller = -1
def f(mesh,material,v0,v1,v2,c0,c1,c2):
    global verts, faces, facematerial,teller
    teller += 1
    if teller % 1000 == 0:


Is it possible it is not RGB but instead Hue Saturation and Value (HSV) (although that does not make sense with your (255,255,255,255) = white example.

In your image, Blue rgb = (0,0,1) in 2.49 seems to go to white rgb = (1,1,1). or hsv = (X, 0, 1) ??

Hmm, I thaught for 2.49 people is clear what NMesh.Col(c0[0],c0[1],c0[2],c0[3] does ???
where the c0 etc are values between 0 and 255?
I think I have to give more info … (and first have to try to get the vertex color values in 2.49 )

I’m sorry my original post was very unclear.

Blue in the 2.49 image was converted to white in the 2.59 image through 2 functions: your division by 255 and an unknown color function. Suppose you passed an rgb tuple to a function expecting hsv input. Eg. rgb(blue) = (0,0,255) which your script turned into (0,0,1). hsv(0,0,1) yields white! That could explain the color transform. It could also just be total coincidence.

Ah, thanks, I will check … :wink:

Not found yet … I include a file with all information needed.

If you run F12 you see two planes, the left one is what it should look like,
the right one is wrong …
There are the following internal files:
newvisualizer to run and to see vertices and faces of objects in edit-mode to look and check what has been set …

Now the next two are the important ones my translation from an 2.49 script to an 2.59 script. (should be run in Bl 2.49 … save and gives in 2.59 the left picture) what I did , run it in Bl 2.59 gives the wrong picture (F12!) the right one)

I realize, that I did not ‘convert’ this command (because I do not know if it is possible
in 2.59 and is not yet found) : face.transp=NMesh.FaceTranspModes.ALPHA ???

Any help is much apreciated …


testplanet249_3.blend (399 KB)

i tried this sample-blend-file about setting the vertex-colours.
Have you ever tried to use not the array-indizes of the color-data-part
and use the namings: b g h hsv r s v ??

next, some settings in the material are not the same (but this seems not to explain the difference in the color-settings)

and what was the link to the original data? Did i miss it? Are there any more notes about the kind of the data?

did you already notice this link about the 2.49 way of using vertex-colors?

There is one first error found in the scripting sample:

the counting of the stored color-values is wrong.
It uses the counting (i) for the faces instead
of the 3-times-bigger value you increment in 3-steps.
Thus it is always using only values from the first part again
and only going up in the stored values by 1 (and not like wanted by 3).

other errors …? (such errors are hard to find, cause reading the code will automatically not notice such little usage of the wrong counter)

The original made with Ubuntu planet program is (in the .blend) made shorter than a whole planet (as a ball).

Your second post I have to understand … (indeed, there ‘must’ be some wrong interpretation of me …)

And a big thanks for trying to help!!!

I have the source of that planet program but the uses Qt or so things which I do not (yet) have available …

Your link to the vertexcolours of 2.49 is much apreciated, will look at it in a moment … thanks too for that.

ERROR found! Jippie!
The last lines of the 259 version should be

countcolor = -3
for i in range(len(colorlist)):[i].material_index = facematerial[i]
    countcolor += 3
    colorlist[i].color1 = colors[countcolor]
    colorlist[i].color2 = colors[countcolor+1]
    colorlist[i].color3 = colors[countcolor+2]
    colorlist[i].color4 = (1,1,1)