Help with Cycles Reflection Pass?

Hi everyone.

I’ve been trying to make a composite render of a glass ball on a kitchen bunker. The shadow pass I managed to make no problem but haven’t gotten anywhere close to what looks like a decent reflection.

I know how to enable glossy indirect/direct passes in the scene panel and have looked up tutorials for node set-ups for reflections but none have worked so far. Does anyone know the best way I can insert reflection nodes into my scene? Below is my current node set-up for my shadow pass.

This is my blend file
glass_ball.blend (2.98 MB)


What exactly have you tried and what exactly doesn´t work? The normal way is to add glossy direct and indirect to each other and then multiply it with glossy color -> (GlossInd + GlossDir) X GlossCol.

Here´s a link to the manual which shows how to combine all the different kinds of passes: