i posted this in the general blender forum but i think it should be here. i made a simple hip+leg rig and skinned it with the closest-to-bone option, and all of the sudden the foot of the mesh twists in a weird direction, when i do it with fk its fine but when i set up ik for the heel and all it gets a weird deformation. im using 2.28. i know there is some easy way to fix this but i cant recall what it is.
Welcome to Elysiun!
I will Strongly advise you to download the last version of Blender here: www.blender.org
2.28 is what… 3 years ago?
The animation tools changed a lot since then.
You’ll be able to reopen your file in blender 2.41
For your problem a screenshot and a description of your rig would really help.
you can use www.imageshack.us to post you images on the net.