Help with EnvMap, it renders blank fields.

Hi fellow Blenderians.

I downloaded Blender a couple month ago, but Im going deeply into it since the last month (I got no internet so I was bored to hell), I did all tutorials on the manual, and it was a pleasure to work on them, it was a real fun to me.

First, Im impressed with Blender!!! a bit sad coz the game engine is not there, happy because its under rewrite! (yeha!!) …anyway, the more I dig on blender the more I fall in love. I even did a character animation with the eagle tutorial (Bezier curves) coming soon on the finished projects forum, something that I couldn’t do on 3DMax, and is painfully easy on Blender.


I’m having problems with Env Mapping, I’m working on a simple example, three billiard balls, did the mapping for them and all, and now I want every ball to be reflected between them.

I added an EnvMap on every ball as the third layer of texture mapping (after color map and refl map) It works if one ball has the EnvMap and the rest doesn’t, I did configured the object names on the EnvMaps correctly but doesn’t work.

It only works if one object has the EnvMap but the others don’t.

When rendering, the Env Fields are blank, I mean there’s no balls on them, only the background. Sometimes the ball textures are a mess, they looks more as a fractal than a billiard ball.

Can someone point me to a good tutorial about Env Maps?

Thanks a lot in advance :slight_smile:

You need to move each ball to it’s own seperate layer, then in the texture settings, click the “Do Not Render Layer” button for each layer that a ball is on.

Next, to get each ball to relfect each other, you need to render 1 pass to get reflections for first ball. Clear Env Maps on all other balls, except the first one, render againand then only clear the Env Map on the last ball, and render again. Then you have to clear the first one again, render again, to get all the reflections on reflections.

It’s a pain, but that is the only way Blender can do it currently.



what you’re asking is not possible automatically with the official Blender versions, due to a design issue in the envmap render code. All environment-mapped objects will always be missing on all other envmapped objects. And even if that issue didn’t exist, it still can’t render envmaps recursively.

However, instinctive-blender (the feature-rich in-house tree of instinctive new media) gets rid of that issue, plus it has recursive envmap rendering, and a lot more features.

Spyro, excuse me for going off on a tangent in your thread.

Intrr, is this version of Blender only available for Linux? Is there a Windows version yet, or does 2.28a do recursive envmapping?
