Help with gingerbread man!

We are just getting started and working with the basic “gingerbread man” tutorial on the website. Problem is when we get to the part after pressing A, then press B and makIing a block, the long light gray lines which are suppose to run up and sideways from the cursur and which are used to define a space to then delete do not appear. Can anyone tell us what we are doing wrong? have been working on this for 4 hours! :ba:

what? :confused: so u r saying when u press “B” the lines do not appear and u can’t select it?
please post ur system specs as well!

Yes. Thats exactly it. the lines do not appear and can’t select. have a pretty new pentium dual core processor, HP Pavilion, tons of memory. If click and drag obects can move objects, but the grey lines dont appear that they say one should expand around an obect

When pressing B you should see fine lines running horizontally and vertically from the cursor. You should then hold down left click and drag to make a selection box.
Sometimes depending on your theme it may be difficult to see, so I’d try pressing B (and even if you can’t see lines) try a drag selection as explained previously.

You can also try pressing B twice to see if you get the circular selection mode whilst in edit mode. You’ll know your in this mode by seeing a light circle appear around the cursor. You can use the mouse wheel in this mode to change the size of the selection circle.

Could be a graphics card issue. You could check you are using the latest drivers from your card manufacturer. I vaguely recall similar issues in the past with ATI cards.


Yes, I’ve read others having this problem with the lines not showing up, but they have also said that the selection will still work like they are there.
Personally I found the Gingerbread tutorial too complex for beginners at that point of learning. Down the road after more basics are learned can one deal with issues such as different versions of Blender having different object, axis creation defaults. That used to throw me in most tutorials until I just ignored the instruction and worked with the axis’s the way that it made sense, not how it was written.
So don’t get discouraged if you find it too complex and not working the way it should. You can go back to it later.