Help with installing Pitchipoy Add-on

Hey Team,

In my studies, I came across a wonderful addon, Pitchipoy’s rig : Please forgive the the newish question as I just recently been turned on to add ons.

For most instances, I would get a singular .py file and I can use the install from file function. However, in this case, the Pitchipoy rig has a Zip file with a bunch of files in it and I do not know exactly how to go about doing this. Also, I am on a Mac with OS 10.10

Any help would be much appreciated.

P.S. I am in the market for an easy to learn face rig that is compatible with make human figures. Please share with me your suggestions.

Pitchipoy is part of the standard Rigify tool. No need to install anything, just activate Rigify and the Pitchipoy rig will appear under the Human meta-rig.