Help with Keyed Particles visibility (solved)

Hi, Thanks for reading!

I have some keyed particles moving from one shape to another. As per the picture. The issue I have is that the target objects already have the particles present. Is there a way to have no particles there until the keyed ones arrive?

basic keyed particles.blend (680.2 KB)

If I try to disable the sphere and squares particles visibility, then the keyed particles no longer move. I can’t bake the cylinders keyed particle effect and delete the others as the option isn’t available when using keyed particles. I can’t fake it by using a different particle object for the cube and sphere with an invisible material, because all 3 must share the same particle effect. I can’t use a boolean modifier because it doesn’t work on particles… I`m really stuck on this :frowning:

Solved, Anyone having this issue in the future who happens to look here. You don`t need to have the same particle system, just the same number of particles.