Help with Labyrinth game!


I’m working on a labyrinth game like this one:
The idea is to move a ball through the labyrinth and avoid holes by tilting the labyrinth. In my Blender version of the game I’m trying to get the mouse to tilt the labyrith, witch is the problem.

I’ve created a testfile and working on the mouse2ipo example that was includes in the, but with two squares with one IPO each, one for rotating around the X axis the other for the Y axis.
I use a mousemovement sensor to trigger a python script that get mouse X and Y values and feeds them into properties of the squares. An always sensor triggers an IPO actuator thats reads from the properties where on the timeline the IPO should be viewed.

It almost works so far, the squares are rotating by moving the mouse, but they rotate independetly! I want the X axis rotating square (middle) to follow the Y axis square and the other way around.
I’ve tried to parent one square to the other but that only works in one way - the child follows it’s parent.

What I think I need is to give the two squares two IPOs each, one for x and one for Y rotation. But how do I then control them independently? The IPO actuator plays all of an objecs IPOs, right?
I’ve tried to find any python way to solve this and found “eval(frame)”, but I cant right understand how it works. Please help!

I’m I on the right track or way out, maybe there is any better solution to this?

…will upload the testfile as soon as I got some space to to so.

man! long time i don’t see one of those! it will be though to do it.

i dont see why parenting the one with the x ipo to the one with the y ipo wouldnt work. i tried it myself and it works fine. if you give me your email address i could send the file to you

Great lizard809! Please mail it! my mail (remove the “Removethis”, it’s just to avoid spam bots to get my mail):

[email protected]

Ipo’s all the way man…

Actually, ipos are the best because you can manage them easier than motion acts, and the limits are built into it.