Help with makehuman please!

My question is rather simple: How do you import a mesh created in makehuman into your Blender scene?

I have already created a back alley scene, and now I want to insert a human body that I created in makehuman.

Is there a way I can do that?

If not I have a second question: How do you render your human created in makehuman? I could insert the rendered human image into my rendered blender scene through the compositor.

Please help! I would like to get this done by tonight :slight_smile:

There is an import MakeHuman addon (read the notes)

when I was playing around this week, i found the make human export format worked best for blender (just enable the addon).

clicked the first link, then went to “Current version download” and clicked the link to the right. Only this showed up on the screen: Not Found

“The requested URL /svnroot/bf-extensions/trunk/py/scripts/addons/ was not found on this server.”

Is there another way I can download this add-on?

You have it already. Look in your File / User Preferences / Addons panel in the Import-Export addon section.