Help with mirror and extrude!

Need some help with my mirroring and extruding. I’m sure it’s a simple fix but I can’t seem to figure it out. The video below will show everything.

  1. Turn on clipping in the Mirror settings.
  2. Delete that face in the middle where the split is. You are making faces inside the model that will make it look broken when you add a Subdivision Modifier later. This face…

Inside Face

Welcome :tada:
…you are extrudign along normals… you might want to restrict extrusion along Y or Z… or extrude in place and then move according to view axis (what i do wondr is that you are in Right ortho view but you axis are read and green instead blue and green)

the extruded face in the middle will has to be deleted if you extrude the faces this way…
…or you select the edges expect theone on the Y-axis…

That did the trick, thank you very much!