hElp wItH model view vs cam view

Hi All,

I seem to spend most of my modeling day(s) looking for my model… Whereas the model is off in space somewhere?
I use Shift + Middle mouse, but to scroll around to find it. If I do find it I have to mess with clipping to see the whole thing or blaze right by it when looking in space for it! I use Shift+ S to center cursor to a selected object but again I either cannot find it or see it unless I scroll around with my mouse or CTRL and MM to see if it will show up as I scroll… Good Grief is there something I am missing? I go thru this as I model and turn my model as one would and switching B n F from cam view to model view… Ughhhh!

When switching from use persp to cam persp… vise verse. One flies off the screen one way or another…?

when you rotate your view, it centers around wherever your view is at the time, so if you go into top view, center it around what you’re working on, then go into side view, and again center it, you should then be able to view whatever is at the center of your view more easily using rotate view.

select your object and press num period

Check the boxes for ‘Zoom To Mouse Position’ and ‘Rotate Around Selection’ in the User Preferences / Interface tab.
I also like orbiting in Turntable Style (User Pref / Input / Orbit Style).
If you get lost, press the home button to frame all elements of your scene, then zoom in with your mouse wheel.

Don’t forget to save the User Settings so they are set next time you start blender…

select your object and press num period

That is select your object in Outliner, then num period.

I don’t have a num pad :frowning:

Thanks I will try user Preferences setup… One of the BEST solutions I found before trying these preferences is to use a split screen one for model and the other for cam…

If you get lost, press the home button to frame all elements of your scene, then zoom in with your mouse wheel. />

Home being the #7 on NP ? I assume…

Thanks again

To work around this problem, you can click on View then Align View
put your mouse cursor on " View Selected - Numpad . "
right click and select “Change Shortcut”
a small popup will appear with " Numpad . " wrote on it, move your mouse there the text will change into “press a key” and press a key you think is free (not assigned to a functionality) , i believe Q is free by example

Now when you’ll press Q it will do what numpad period would have done.

thanks man. I love this forum.