Help with my Ship model, about topology.

Hi guys, i am modeling a type 42 destroyer, i have the basic Shape but i found a problem at the back of my ship. you will see my explanation on the photos, but my problem is the “windows” parts. i have tried a lot of techniques but i am not conformable with the results.
I modeled the basic shape, then added SubDivision to get a smoth shape(level 2).
1- i tried cutting holes using inset.
2- i tried Boolean Modifier, this was my best result but i get a lot of tris and a VERY ugly result in my topology, i converted Ngons to Tris or Quads but the problem persist.
2- if i use Boolean or cutting holes, when i apply SubSurf my model deforms completly.
4- i tried Creases and Edge splits in all kind of combinations with item 1,2 and 3.

So the questions is, What would you do in my situation to get those clean windows/tunnels ?

Here the photos:

HERE one more picture, watch how ugly the topology becomes:

After using boolean for making holes you must clean up the geometry. Try staying with quads. Gives cleaner results.

Heres some vids that explains some stuff on subdividing meshes and artifacts you might get:

Many Thanks Nova!, the 2nd video was very helpfull to understand some artifacts. Would it be ok if i start moddeling the back part of the ship by hand?, i can model the pretty BASIC shape and then start adding vertices and edges and so on. would be that a normal technique?

Yes! get your basic shape first then start adding details. :slight_smile:

Ok now i am starting to understand the workflow, i have a lot of practice using the tools and Blender but i am recently starting a complete project, in this case a ship. many thanks for your advice!