Help with Object IPO and Shape keys [solved]

I’m new to animation subject (thank’s to ludwig, i’m trying to learn animation again).

I’ve a ball that i wish to put it jumping. I’ve added the IPO keys to Loc so the ball can jump.
Now i’ve added some shape keys with the ball srinking and streching.

My problem is when i try to get everything together.

In older versions, only armature actions could be made in strips, now it seems that other actions can be aded to the NLA window.

How can i play the object Ipo and the action shapes at the same time?

I’m trying to explain better.
I want to say to the ball to jump 3 times, so i made the IPO ciclic and the animation time 3 x the IPO duration.

Then i want the ball to srink and strech each time it touches the floor, so i strip the shape action to the NLA to repeat it. It only plays the object movement. What am i doing wrong?

THank you very much!

Solved! Just have to turn the IPO into action!:slight_smile: