Help With Prepopulating Collection List

Hi, I’ve been working on a Blender plugin for some time now, the plugin itself to serve as a level editor for a game I’ve been modding utilizing Blender’s workflow. Of course, this requires a way to select an object to add, and because large enums don’t work too well, I opted to use a collection list to hold all of the 600+ entries. This works fine and all, but the issue comes with populating the list itself, where I can’t seem to find a straight-forward way.

Currently, I use an operator to do so, but this feels a bit hacky and I would like to imagine there is a better way. The operator code is as follows:

def execute(self, context):
    for data in OBJECTS_LIST.values():
        item = context.scene.object_list.add() = data.get("name", "")
        item.model = data.get("model", "")
        item.key = data.get("key", "")
    return {'FINISHED'}

Why you consider it hacky?

I would like a more elegant, function contained solution opposed to calling an operator on registration, as that can be a bit tricky to keep track of when reloading scenes. I’ll continue with that method for now, I guess

If this collection is suppose to track objects existing in Blender it is kind of tricky. You can populate your collection at blender file load with but there is no direct way to subcribe to new objects created. You can use or timers but that’s usually an overkill.

Thank you so much for the reply! The collection is meant to store a predefined list of items, basically serving as an enum but without the issues that lengthy enums run into. Notably enums lack a scroll bar and start creating new columns

Maybe search argument for StringProperty can help -