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Not sure but what kind of material are your walls made off, strange reflection.
if you want people to look at your blend file you could put a download link of your file.
Well images often get lots of noise if light no easily resolved, adding more light will produce less noise.
And well basically the windows dont let a lot light trough, you might mix 50% the transparancy with a light emission and use a light fallof node for the strength and smoothness of that light.
Also you could under light samples reduce bounces, (often 6 is more then enough)
As for the wall, roughness on diffuse yes it has some minimal effect, but i think you wanted to have the effect of painted plaster right ?.
Then use difuse and glossy in a mixed node, and a random texture (with high value say 200 or so) and put that in the final bump node of the material if the bumps are to tall, you could do a math node and multiply by 0.1 or so.
Or if you want to speedup render time reduce noise only use BSDF node for the wall (no shiny reflections in the wall).
Not sure what blender version you use, but in latest version glossy materials upper method (puldown in the node) does produce better pictures in my opinion.
you could also clamp dirict and indirect light, it depends a bit on taste i think, as it alters the realism as well.
same for lightpaths caustic settings, they create more noise but also are more realistic if used.
If you pack the images insides the blend (file menu > external data >pack all in blend file)
You could then msg it me, and i could optimize it with your textures, i put in some textures of me but its not a good to comparison against your image.