I am new to blender but have worked in other 3d packages. I have followed the tutorials on wiki to the point about working with vertices. One of the very early chapters. It says to go into edit mode (which I did) then hit the Akey to delsellect (which I did) and all the vertices are now pink. BUT It also says to RMB a veritice to select it.
It does not work for me. I tried restarting Blender but I still cannot use the RMB to select a vertice in edit mode. Can someone please help. Thank you.
This ought to be working. I would suggest trying a few things first, in edit mode toggle between solid and transparent mode using the ZKEY and try selecting some vertices using RMB, also try selecting using the BKEY and dragging the square and also BB and using the circle select tool. Do any of these work? Does your RMB select objects in object mode? It should.
Thank you very much. That was it. I was in 3D Transformation Mode (even when restarting Blender) and the wiki tutorial warned about that and said I would see two arrows at the vertices. But I could not see those arrows because I was in solid mode. The Wiki warning assumes you are in transparent mode. So I will change that tutorial.
In any event, I had to change modes first as you indicated with the ZKey and THEN I realized I was in 3D transformation. And THEN I had to realize there were two “hand” icons and only the one in the bottom menu turned off the 3D transformation… and THEN I coulld select a vertice.
There is a lot of power in Blender I can see, but the problem is, as with most programs that have many, many functions, is that it eventually becomes too cumbersome. Developers (myself included) need to realize and program in such a way that the new user can “turn on” more and more functionality as they progress so as to avoid these anomalies causing problems. These anomalies that pop up out of nowhere make it very hard to follow the tutorials. Thank goodness for the forms and for people like you.
Thank you very much.