help with texturing

i have been getting in to texturing alot more lately but i am haveing trouble so hopfulling someone can help me.My problem is i have two object and one is sitting on the other and i texture both of them to the best of my ability and the one on top looks like it isn’t even on the other one,the textures don’t go together and i can’t figure out what the problem is.sorry for no pictures and if this sounds vague.

Dude… are you seriously expecting an answer? :slight_smile:

ok i guess you have a point i will try and get a pic as soon as i can but i don’t have internet at my house so i will have to wait till i can get back on the internet

Let me take a wild try. If you leave each object separate the material will be applied separately. If you join the objects as one (select both and press Ctrl-J) then the material will be applied as if there are one. Here is an example: On the left the two meshes are separate objects. On the Right they have simply be joined. Same material is applied to all.

here is a pic of what i mean were the building meets the looks like the building isn’t sitting on the ground.


if you render that with AO on, it should help. you could also try texturing in some more details to ground it, weeds and other things close to the foundation of the building. also try adding in some more objects in front of the building