Hey , ihave created all the things in my scene and now I am trying to get the right atmosphere that im looking for. I am trying to recreate a type of atmosphere like in these images but im not sure of the best way to go about it , I have tried a few different ways and followed a few tutorials etc but cant seem to find right the way im after so im looking for some help in how I would best recreate the atmosphere in these images . Thanks in advance for any help
You can use Principled Volume node on a surrounding box to create volumetric lighting. I created below example on 2.8 and used Eevee engine (a lot faster). Don’t forget to enable ‘Volumetric’ at render settings tab.
Fog_test.blend (976.9 KB)
Always turn on lights under fog like Suzanne
I also combined 2 noise textures to create effect of dusty particles in the air (You can feed that to Density as well). Adjust other parameters for various effects.
Can you post an image of the best result you got so far, as a starting point to make suggestions?
Another thing that you can do is to use Z-distance … scaled and adjusted using appropriate curve-nodes etc. … to modify characteristics such as Alpha, Hue, and Saturation. The farther away the object is from the camera, the more “transparent” it is (you see fog not the object), and the less saturated the colors are. The effect is non-linear hence the use of a curves-node. You see this most clearly in the shot of the trucks on the bridge, where the second truck although barely one car-length behind the first is much more occluded.
I’m suggesting that you can do this in addition to the volumetric effects described in previous responses, to make the result even more pronounced and perhaps realistic. You can cause the second and subsequent Suzannes to appear much more “lost in the fog,” and you can precisely control where this happens.