Help with UV mapping...?

That’s my model. What I am wanting to do is texture bake it, which I already know how to do. Since it is SUCH a large model and I don’t want 50 texture maps, I was wondering if there was anyway that I could only have one texture and have similar planes use the same part of the texture. Let me try to explain this. So, I have a cube. There are 6 sides, of course. Instead of creating a texture map with 6 sides on it, can’t I just make it have 1 side on it and have all of the other sides use the same one, since they are similar?

Is there a plugin for this? Thanks! :slight_smile:

It looks to me like you used some sort of array + curve modifier combo to create that, yes? If that is the case, then you can create a UV map before applying your modifiers, then when you apply the modifiers the UV maps should apply all the separate parts (or you don’t need to apply the modifiers at all). That is: you’ll have a repeating texture across the entire thing, mapped repeatedly to a single image. The method is explored in this tutorial, including ways to add some variety to the texture throughout, if you want to do that as well: