Help with Vertex Keys

Now that vertex key support has been added in 2.28 (huge thanks to ianwill et al!), I’ve been playing around with a long-term script project. I have been able to successfully add all the keys with one problem: I can only add keys up to frame 100 because the speed IPO goes from (0, 0) to (100, 1.0). Is there any way around this, or any way to select the IPO and change the curve through Python (before adding the VK’s)?
Obviously, you couldn’t just use Ipo.Get() with a hard-coded name, since Blender increments IPO names as they’re added.

Any ideas?


As I understand it, the activation of the “Relative Keys” button in the AnimButtons removes the “speed” curve entirely. In fact, when you create a mesh key and select “Relative Key” it does this for you automatically. Then you can insert keys in frames anywhere you want, well past 100, etc. (I used RVKs extensively for a 600 frame anim.) If there is a limitation in the Python application of RVK control, I’d suggest contacting the python team and asking them what the correct API for RVKs is (sorry for the TLAs. grin).

Hope this helps at all,


Yeah, that’s been my workaround for now. When adding RVK’s through python, a popup comes up that asks for VK’s or RVK’s. Selecting RVK’s adds the VK’s as RVK’s and then I turn Relative Keys off, and manually add the speed IPO. I guess I do need to bug some of the developers about this (I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something first). Thanks!

Will using the ‘extend mode to extrapolation’ work on the speed IpoCurve? It’s the yellow dot with the diagonal arrow in the IpoButton menu. If you right click the speed curve and then hit the extend to extrapolate it should extend the speed curve.

That isn’t the problem, I know how to work very well with IPO’s. What I need is some way to access this through the Python API, which doesn’t look possible right now (well, it’s possible but since the IPO names are produced on the fly when vertex keys are added in Python, there’s no way to access this. also, when the VK’s get added, after frame 100 they all get added to frame 100, nothing higher). The script is designed so that anyone can use, not just a Blender master.