I have been following a youtube tutorial on how to sculpt creatures so I can model a velociraptor. I enable the mesh symmetry for the y-axis and im able to sculpt one side and get it mirrored exactly to the other, but after I create the legs the use the bool tool to combine everything into one mesh the y-axis symmetry seems to be offset and I cant figure out why. This makes it so I cant smooth one side of the mesh and get it replicated to the other side. I would like to know if theres a way to revert it or if i just have to model each side by hand now. Thank you!
Did you combine the object when the rotation value was zero.
If the combined object has a nonzero field value, it is not symmetric.
Symmetry is affected by the axis of the object.
Welcome …
(i guess you meant mirror on X-axis) so your second object has also the X-coordinate 0 as the pivot point ??
Im brand new to blender so im not so sure how to check what the pivot point is? I beleive it is mirror on the y axis though as thats what I have selected on the top. It seems as the left leg is the point where it is mirroring. When i have the cursor on it it sculpts the other side of the leg, but when I go to the other leg the little yellow orb is just floating past the mesh.
I believe that the rotation value was zero on the mesh. I was sculpting infront of a refrence then hitting 1 to get a straight view.
Origin must be centered on the object.
The rotation value must be initialized.
It says the rotation is all zero. It seems the origin is directly between the legs, should I have made it in the center of the whole creature?
It still says rotation is 0, but in this view it looks to me like the origin is the left leg? Am I able to change that? Or is there a way to prevent that from happening when I merge the meshes in the first place?
Right click on the model > Set Origin > Origin to Geometry | Alternatively you can click your model then on top left press Object > Set Origin > Origin to Geometry… this should re-centre your origin point to the overall centre of the model & fix your symmetry offset issue, for good measure I would also hit Ctrl + A > Apply Scale, (forgetting to applying scale can cause all sorts of sculpting issues.
Easiest way would be to view your model from the front and then turn on wireframe and select all the vertices in the middle, set the cursor to selected and then set origin to cursor. There was also a way to drop the cursor or origin to the floor since that is where you want it but i have forgotten what it is called.