
need help:
need something like this
for a scene.

I would like to ask
a.) if there is already some (simpler=better) collision system (not for game engine) or
b.) has someone experience on how to adapt AS’s to blender ?


I don’t understand very well what you mean as “a scene”??!!

You want a circles animation movie??

With the game engine, you can do it in 10 mn
With a script you (me, at least) can do it in 1 year!!! :slight_smile:

Blender uses Python scripts
Please be more precise!!

::not circles, spherical objects, in rectangular area.
::in a scene to get rendered and populated with other objects
::why would I post it here if it wasn’t for piton?

basically, I just need to get a mechanism that would do exactly the same as flash example, in given xy rectangle with defined boundaries, on fixed z.
(interpret flash stage like a bounding rectangle from top view and circles as spherical objects)

Therefore, I ask if someone actually did some AS porting to blender and to please let me know what works best …