So, I’m nearly at the end of my rope in terms of trying to learn Python…
I have updated to Blender 2.49a and Python 2.6.2 only to find that every Python+Blender tutorial online was written before the large rewrite that took place in the Python language. I’ve been doing my best to follow this tutorial, but I’ve run into a roadblock at every turn. The resulting script from the tutorial makes a cylinder move around on a plane, and is
cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.getOwner()#Sensors:
forward = cont.getSensor(“Up”)
backward = cont.getSensor(“Down”)
turnleft = cont.getSensor(“Left”)
turnright = cont.getSensor(“Right”)#Actuators
motion = cont.getActuator(“motion”)
speed = 5
rspeed = 0.02
walk = 0
turn = 0if forward.isPositive():
walk = speed
if backward.isPositive():
walk = -speed
if turnleft.isPositive():
turn = rspeed
if turnright.isPositive():
turn = -rspeedmotion.setLinearVelocity(0, walk, 0, 1)
motion.setDRot(0, 0, turn, 1)
GameLogic.addActiveActuator(motion, 1
What I’ve come up with as a modified version that almost works with the new Python is
cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
motion = cont.actuators[“motion”]#Sensors
forward = cont.sensors[“Up”]
backward = cont.sensors[“Down”]
turnright = cont.sensors[“Right”]
turnleft = cont.sensors[“Left”]#Actuators
speed = 5
rspeed = 0.02
walk = 0
turn = 0if forward.positive:
walk = speed
if backward.positive:
walk = -speed
if turnright.positive:
turn = rspeed
if turnleft.positive:
turn = -rspeedmotion.setLinearVelocity[0,walk,0,1]
When I try to run this in the game, the console thingy tells me that the “‘builtin_function_or_method’ object is unsubscriptable” in line 28: motion.setLinearVelocity[0,walk,0,1]
I think it’s talking about the “motion” variable i’ve made, and i can’t seem to find a solution that works.
I’m a total noob at this coding stuff, but i have to start somewhere. Thanks.
(Also, there are indents below the “if” statements in my script. They just didn’t show up when i copied the script here for some reason)