Here is a good site for 3d houses (modelling ideas)

I just found this place today. They have numerous pictures of houses that architects have designed. Some are rendered 3d some are blueprints. Some great ideas here!

You just made my day !

Thanks a bunch.



I had a look at the houses and have to say I was not particularly impressed! Most were glass boxes.! Presumably designed for exhibitionists with no kids! I guess pool fences (mandatory in Aus) aren’t artistic enough to be included.

just my AU$0.02 (0.0118767 Euros/0.00822650 GB Pound/457.012 RO Lei)

Cheers Stephen

Well, having taken 3d design and architecture classes, I can safely say that these people know what they are doing. Most of the houses are not designed for kids…they aren’t really designed for anyone except an upper class citizen whose kids have moved out and they simply need to burn a hole in their pocket :slight_smile:

Anyway, the houses are great I think.

I took a quick look at that site. Maybe I am missing something, but of the two architect’s work that I looked at both graphics were 2d??

You’re missing something, likely a tiny link below the image that appears after clicking an architect’s name. I think remembering that it says something about a slideshow which you control using left and right arrows. Among those images there is a number of 3D views.
