I’m new to the boards, as you can see.
Thought I’d introduce myself.
I’m a 20 year old newbie to Blender.
I’m dutch. I hope to go to the graphic lyceum utrecht coming year. But awaiting my initial. which will be the 31st…
We regret to inform you that this forum has its max capacity of Dutch users. To cut down on the riff raff please answer the following questions…
1 Do you wear speedos on the beach?
2 Do you use outdated slang such as “How’s it hanging”, “Take a chill pill”, “Are you picking up what I’m laying down”, and “Give me some skin jive turkey”…
3 Is the hair on your back longer then the hair on your head… or genitals?
4 Are you often told you smell like balonie, garlic, or feises?
5 Do you have problems getting chicks?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to delete your account immediatly and leave these froums. We already have enough “out of control” dutch on these forums, examples include Ton and Sago…I dont like to see this kind of behavior and as a super hero I will not hesitate to smack you down, and stomp on your head and make you teeth click…DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR…
The Dutch “RIFF RAFF” ends here…do we understand each other?
1 Do you wear speedos on the beach?
HELL NO!!! 2 Do you use outdated slang such as “How’s it hanging”, “Take a chill pill”, “Are you picking up what I’m laying down”, and “Give me some skin jive turkey”…
Erm… I do not use named slang, I do not use any slang for that matter. 3 Is the hair on your back longer then the hair on your head… or genitals?
No. the hair on my head reaches my back though. 4 Are you often told you smell like balonie, garlic, or feises?
Nope, well, garlic sometimes, but that’s only when I ate it. and that’s not all that much. (Brushing teeth and using mouth water is a must ;)) 5 Do you have problems getting chicks? The only problem I have with getting chicks is that I have had a girlfriend for the past almost 14 months. So, no real problem here…
That answers your questions…
Other than that, Thanks for the welcome all…
Working on a blender image. (Animated) just need to figure out how to save it
If you use png,tga, or jpeg, then the animation render is saved as numbered frames in the tmp directory indicated in your output panel. If you use avi or quicktime, then a finished animation is there in the tmp directory - usually, I look there and rename it so I can try a new render with any change I’ve made. Welcome to the community
Use the Format settings under F10 to get the quicktime if you want that, and there you can choose png or tga instead of jpg - png and tga are great since they are lossless and support transparency
Orion, I was thinking he was talking about the browser instead of blender. Not that he was talking about another program.
Anyways, thanks for the tips and welcomes all. and thanks to all who still come in and welcome me, I will be off joining the fun on the rest of the board.