Hey everyone! I've got a weird problem with my object

First I’ve noticed the triangulation of faces in rendered preview.

Then it turned out that if I scaled it down, vertices started jiggling around (if I move the camera, they start jumping, as if some sort of decimation modifier is there but there is none).

I tried creating a new file and scaling down the subdivided mesh but it was perfectly fine until I added this problematic object from the initial scene. After adding, all meshes start behaving like that (vertices jiggle). Also, I’ve checked many different things like UVs, double verts, applying transforms, removing material, fixing normals, changing scene unit scale and swapping to CPU render, that’s all that I remember but there was more.

I’d be happy to hear from you

If you need a bit more explanation - feel free to ask

That’s an issue with viewport display, I encounter it quite a bit with real scale objects which are small. What I tend to do in that instance is, for modelling purposes, scale it by 10 or 20 times, do the work, then scale back to real-world one I’ve finished.

I forgot to mention. This triangulated pattern is also visible on renders, so I don’t think that this is the problem

The triangulated thing is a shading issue given the geometry of the object. The geo on that is very messy, (I’m guessing an imported object), that is never going to look good.
Personally, I’d rebuild that as it’s pretty much unusable as it is, you could build that in a few minutes.

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It’s my own model from another project and sure it’s easy to remodel from scratch but the thing is that every object in this scene seems to behave like that :confused:

Does your object have any modifiers or a material with displacement?

That looks like a precision issue happening with very small models. Make sure your object sizes are sane (not in micrometers) and scene scale is 1. If you need smaller objects, model them bigger (10x or 100x) and scale them down (0.1x or 0.01x) in object mode.

nope, it doesnt

Here is the scale and how it looks
No matter the scale, it is still there. Tried 10x times larger scale, no difference at all

moreover, I wrote that even after swapping the material it is still there

You need to clean up your mesh…
You could try to use the Smooth modifier, or do some relaxation in Edit mode, or use some addon to help the process (looptools, polyquilt, etc)…

But i believe @colkai suggestion to rebuild the object completly is the best solution.

Look here. Do you think that I haven’t tried that? And the topology of the initial bottle model is ok. It is not perfect but not bad enough for it to create some artefacts. I’m sure it’s because of some setting in this particular scene

I can’t send multiple images at once, so I had to combine them together.
1st is an old bottle model and 2-3 are screenshots of new objects with stock glass shader and perfect topology. Btw transparency bounces are set to 30

Hi, use the screw modifier and a curve . That takes five or ten minuts max to do:

Most probably is something in the mesh… Not many actions in the Scene can change the mesh of an object…

Have you tried to merge by distance?
(Edit Mode > Mesh > Clean up > Merge by distance)

here you go, created one in a minute but it doesn’t change the fact that it is not the thing

sure, it was 1st or 2ng thing I’ve thought of. I even wrote it in the starting message. I haven’t encountered something like this in 2 years of 3D
Here it is so you believe me

I even created an account here, especially for this. Didn’t find anything on the internet at all :star_struck:

What HDRI are you using?
Because in that image there is no distortion to the mesh its in the reflection?

Also checked that. Some stock rotated hdri from Poly Haven

here I’ve turned it off and used sun instead.

Could you post a scene with that object in it?

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