hey guys!!!

how do you make python scripts cause they look really cool and i wanna make some of mine too. i have really cool ideas!!!

you should take a look at some scripts and the blender-api doc and python tutes.
btw, your site is not hard to read, but it’ll take some time so if you want to get more visitors, mayb3 you want to us3 l355 of th|5 5tuff



go to http://www.blender.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=documentation&file=index.

There you can find some Python references related to Blender and the script language in general. For the documentation in general just go to www.python.org - they got some good docs there.

Concerning your home page:

Do not use this l33t-Style!! This does’nt make you beeing a cool guy - providing good work, good graphics makes you beeing a respected person in the GC scene :slight_smile: Think of that - and navigate to www.raph.com or www.cgtalk.com and look for some other pages of some artists to get a good overview on styles …

Can you tell us a bit about your ideas? Are they graphic related ?


Should I comment about yout site being almos unreadable?

H|, |'m 5t3v3, |'m 13, and th|5 |5 my n3w w3b5|t3 | cod3d my53lf |n Hdml.| cod3d |t |n a program | got from my fr|3nd call3d Fu5|on, |t r3ally k|ck5 a55. noth|ng for lam3r5 dud3! Th3r3 |5nt much on my w3b5|t3 y3t, but |#m gonna po5t 5om3 p|ctur35 |n my own onl|n3 gall3ry that | al5o ma3d my53lf.


He’s at the 1337 state… I where there a few years ago till i realised how stupid 1337 speak really is… %|

steve_rulez = blendermax. This post and others by him are bogus. Don’t waste your time! Ignore it!


How do you know?

We were having a problem/discussion regarding this character in the off-topics section and Timothy used his administrative powers to check the address of steve_rulez and it turned out to be the same as blendermax.

Haha not bad!

Well, I like to waste energy for helping just virtual people … hehe :>

ifound a 1337 converter somewhere on the net, also an ali g converter, sort of funny for a while, but you get over it :smiley:

Rather than wanking around coding up web pages in 1337 Zpe@k by hand, get Mark Lindner’s talk filters at http://freshmeat.net/projects/talkfilters/?topic_id=80%2C857%2C858%2C809 . The one you want is called warez.

Now pick up those blenders and get back to work.