Hey Hos, Wings 0.97.05 is out!

Beat ya this time!


/me parks out at the wings forum website and presses “Reload”
every 5 minutes until 0.97.05a comes out … =D


i wish me just two things added to wings:

-better linux/beos support
-.blend export

cya henrik

-What’s wrong with the linux version? It DO run better than the win32 one.
-What’s wrong with the VRML import in Blender?

-What’s wrong with the linux version? It DO run better than the win32 one.
-What’s wrong with the VRML import in Blender?[/quote]

What’s wrong with exporting to OBJ, then open in Blender using OBJIO.PY??? :smiley:

GO MACEG!!! 8) :smiley: 8) :smiley: 8) :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: