Hi, Anyone know Any way to get pointiness / edgewear in EEVEE look dev mode?


I have scoured as many places as I can. But whether though 2.8 native.
Or paid, or free add-ons. I cannot find a way to achieve this.

Does anyone know please.

I have tried the likes of “Detect edge node,” and “Ultimate Plastic Shader,” but unfortunately they dont work in “look dev.”

Any ideas, on add-ons, tutorials, or any help, is really appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:

Just me again. :smiley:

I’m not sure my OP question was really obvious, and I am just missing something.
Or if its not possible in look-dev.

Just wanted to say, either way, Im VERY much still learning. So please forgive, if it
was basic. Or has been asked an answered before.

I honestly have searched for answers.
Unfortunately just not found any yet. :thinking:

Lookdev is currently Eevee only, and most of these kinds of setups involve nodes that isn’t supported by Eevee. At least yet, may come later.

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Ahh that would explain it then.

Thank you so much for the reply, and the heads up.

I have to say I find it kind of odd, that this is such a universally used facility…
Whether creating buildings, props, vehicles, and armour sci-fi, or medieval.

And seeing as so many people work in and love EEVEE, that it wasn’t something that was
implemented natively.
Or even, by now through an add-on. :astonished:

But once again, I thank you, and appreciate your time, and help. :+1:

I don’t use Eevee, but I do my “Lookdev” in Cycles. Unfortunately isolate doesn’t work in Cycles, and Cycles doesn’t support Lookdev. So I’m forced to move my asset out of the scene (say 10m or whatever is appropriate), activate/change HDRI, change exposure, then start editing my materials. You don’t have to do all that if you only want to preview the mask, which you can then bake out for Eevee use.

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Hey Carl.

And thank you for the reply…

And “Woah” that sounds like a heck of a lot of work just to get auto edge wear in EEVEE.
TBH you kind of lost me at “hello.” :smile:

Still being a relative newcomer to the whole 3D modelling arena.

I just hope Blender introduce edge wear/pointiness as native. Or at least some clever bod comes up with a node that works in EEVEE.

But I do appreciate the reply. :+1:

Use Ambient Occlusion node to color map :stuck_out_tongue: It actually helped for my situation :slight_smile: You should try…

Ok to control it, i think you need to bake the AO map and then use RGB curves to alternate the values…

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And thank you so much for this tip.
I will be giving this a go. :crossed_fingers:

I appreciate the reply. :smiley:

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I’m trying to learn how to do this myself. Here are a couple youtube videos I’ve been watching to learn how to do it.

Nevermind, I just realized these don’t work in eevee.

Even if they (currently) don’t work at rendertime for Eevee, you can still bake them out from Cycles.