Hi everybody, i’m new to Blender and just finished my first rendering. But now i wonder how to get the pencil to look more realistic, maybe even photorealistic. So i’m anxious to get some opinions and tips for a newbie here regarding this particular picture.
Also the Image was rendered in Yafray…
hey it looks really really good so its hard to give tips but mayby create a more metalic looking texture for the end of the pencil with the eraser at the end, and the fact the pencil is blunt bugs me a little I dont know why though, mayby add writting on the pencil like 2b or the brand.
Just my comments im new too so apologise if this is no help what so ever, but people are always helping me so I am trying to return that generosity that i have experinced from this fantastic community.
yeah, good idea. The actual pencil i used as a model has a ‘Toppoint’ print on it, i will add that… .thanks
I tried to make teh material mor metallic for hours, this is what i ended up with.
Its a goldish material with a noise texture mapped to Csp and Ref for the roughness effect. Shaders are Blin nfor Spec-Lighting (Spec 2; Hard 50; Refr 6.5) and Lambert for Diffuse wit hRef at 0.8. The RayMir value is 0.35
If anyone has better Settings for a Brass material please share it…
Every Part of the pencil is a single object in blender, so i didn’t have to fiddle with vertex groups. Is that common technique or are there pros and cons?
theres pros and cons in having seperate objects if you want to animate it makes it difficult i find that if you make it seperate and then join them all together (ctl+j) the groups are made for you and aninmating is no problem.
I have this blend file full of textures you might like to use
nice, thanks
I joined my models, so i could position them easily, but now for ease of modeling i want to kinda unjoin them, but it seems there is no option for it. Can someone help?
Another question. I now want to add a Print to the pencil. Can i just add an image with a transparent background and writing anywhere on the mesh and then like drag and drop it where i want? The alternative would be to model the print in the pencil’s body mesh and assign a different material to it, but i dont wanna do that…
To unjoin your models select the vertices that belong to one of the sections you want seperate, and hit P.
For texture you could start learning some UV mapping and unwrap the model and all. But it might be simpler to use a texture attached to an empty. That way you could kinda drag and drop like you said. Heres a tutorial for that method: http://pages.zoom.co.uk/nick.towers/tutorials/empty_tutorial/empty_tutorial.html
thanks, thats exactly what i wanted to know…
well, now i have problems editing the mesh because i already rotated it, and if i work on it it is all crooked on account of my view angle. is there a way to select a face and tell blender to adjust the viewport perpendicular to it?
If the pencil is on a table I would suggest activating shadows in render options and turn on shadows on your lightning. Otherwise the pencil itself looks great and it looks like a pencil that is used but not to much used :P.
edit: maybe add some dirt on the rubber.
no, on that render the pencil was floating in the air, everything else is a HDRI map. Actually the rubber has a grey/white cloud texture, i dont know why it seems so clean…
Is there anyone who can answer whether or not its possible to adjust the viewport perpendicular to a given face? Like i want to select a face, hit a button and view it along its normal
Set up a separate lamp set to “No Diffuse” (specularity only) and “Layer” (only affects objects on the same layer). Then put it on a layer with the pencil (or just the brass ferrule, if that’s a separate part), so that you can adjust the highlights from the brass without washing out the whole scene with too much light.
Updated pencil, its getting better… i spent about 10 hours now… phew, blender is very time consuming…
It is, but you’ll get faster before it’s done. A model that took me three months to model the first time(and it kinda sucked) took three days to model when I redid it.