hi there

I’m new, and just wanted to say “hi” to the community.


Welcome :smiley:

Welcome to the Blender community!!! and enjoy your stay!! :smiley:

hi there! :smiley:

:smiley: hi

Hello DSmith!!! :smiley:

Nice to have you here with us!!!


Good to have you here!

Welcome DSmith !! :smiley:

Welcome aboard :slight_smile:


hydy ho! :slight_smile:

would you like a complimentary chocolate on your pillow?

hello, welcome to the world famous blender coummunity :smiley:

The Jolly Gnome bids you welcome…

Hi there!

great to see ya! im looking very forward to your first posted work =)

we hope you enjoy your stay here at the Elysiun forums. We will be serving refreshments in um, I Forget. but “I can’t Believe it’s not Butter” will be there, so you should to. :wink:

Well… emmm… my first posted work g
I’m a n00b… so, it’ll take a while.

Welcome DSmith.
Also want to see some work
even if n00b3 work.
cheers 8),
from R0G3rM3D

well… actually i have never really worked with blender. Just got the tip from a friend of mine to check out the prog…

but lookin forward to the tutorials :slight_smile:

But the works I have already seen are really great :slight_smile:

Where do you guys come from, anyway?

I’m from Germany

Hi there.

Everywhere, though I’m in Hawaii. Also, NaN was a Dutch company. But, Blenderers are from everywhere… US, Canada, the Netherlands, UK, Greece and <insert_nation_here> are only a few of the countries I’ve heard mentioned. Plenty of German users too, I’ve seen a bit of discussion about a German printing of the Blender manual.


oh cool… is blender used professionel, too? I saw something from a game or so, that was mentioned by a co-worker of take 2?!