I’m new, and just wanted to say “hi” to the community.
Welcome to the Blender community!!! and enjoy your stay!!
hi there!
Hello DSmith!!!
Nice to have you here with us!!!
Good to have you here!
Welcome DSmith !!
Welcome aboard
hydy ho!
would you like a complimentary chocolate on your pillow?
hello, welcome to the world famous blender coummunity
The Jolly Gnome bids you welcome…
Hi there!
great to see ya! im looking very forward to your first posted work =)
we hope you enjoy your stay here at the Elysiun forums. We will be serving refreshments in um, I Forget. but “I can’t Believe it’s not Butter” will be there, so you should to.
Well… emmm… my first posted work g
I’m a n00b… so, it’ll take a while.
Welcome DSmith.
Also want to see some work
even if n00b3 work.
cheers 8),
from R0G3rM3D
well… actually i have never really worked with blender. Just got the tip from a friend of mine to check out the prog…
but lookin forward to the tutorials
But the works I have already seen are really great
Where do you guys come from, anyway?
I’m from Germany
Hi there.
Everywhere, though I’m in Hawaii. Also, NaN was a Dutch company. But, Blenderers are from everywhere… US, Canada, the Netherlands, UK, Greece and <insert_nation_here> are only a few of the countries I’ve heard mentioned. Plenty of German users too, I’ve seen a bit of discussion about a German printing of the Blender manual.
oh cool… is blender used professionel, too? I saw something from a game or so, that was mentioned by a co-worker of take 2?!