Hidden line renderer / Learning blender python 2.5

Hi mythcat,

It is quite possible that you’ll run out of memory on large scenes. To reduce memory usage you can disable Joints, for your scene better disable Profiles as well since it only works on meshes with faces anyway.
To reduce memory usage even further you can dive into the file and change line 252 to

segments = 4

If you want to enable Hidden line rendering for all objects at once you can run the following two lines from the Python console window in Blender.

>>> for ob in [o for o in bpy.data.objects if o.type=='MESH']:
...     ob.hr_enable = True

That’s all I can do for you atm, unfortunate the script has never reached a state that I’d call stable or usable. Best of luck.


thanks for latest link

tried it in latest built and with suzan as object i tried it and don’t see anything happening in viewport

do you need to render it to see any effet or should see something in the viewport also!


Yeah, you need to enable Hidden line rendering in the Render tab and in the Object tab for which objects you want edges to be rendered. Press the Update button on the Render panel for the geometry to be generated. Assign a material to the generated object and you’re set.

this seems to be a good idea in any case
but i know other ways of doing this too!

your script looks like the old wire mehs i thnk in 2.49

are you planning to continue work on this?

thanks for feedback
happy 2.5

Actually, the way the geometry is created looks more like the Lattice modifier from 3dsmax, but I do know what you mean.

No, sorry…