"hide" command with retopo


I have a question that I hope has a simple answer.

I have been told you have to turn off “occlude background geometry” and turn on “x-ray” to get retopo to work.

My question is given these limitations above, is there a way to hide parts of the mesh you are retopoing so they don’t get in the way? A standard “hide” doesn’t work to my knowledge because I want to hide part of the object onto which i’m retopoing. When I use Hide and then go back to edit mode for my mesh, the hidden part disappears.

THanks for any help

I’m having trouble following you, but it sounds like you are hiding in object mode. You can hide in edit mode as well. Just select the geometry that you don’t want to see and press ‘h’ in edit mode alt-h to get it back, or select what you want to keep and hit shift-h to hide all but selected and again alt-h to get it back.

If you want to isolate an object and then hide things in edit mode you can select that object hit ‘/’ which will only display a local (selected object) go into edit mode and hide like above to remove further distractions. The ‘/’ again in object mode will revert the scene to a global view.

Sorry, maybe I should add that I’m a completely new user and my language was unclear.

I have a starting mesh, and then I create a primitive plane and use that to start retopoing over the first mesh. So I have 2 meshes.

I want to hide part of the first initial mesh. To my knowledge, you can only select one object at a time in edit mode (maybe this is where I’m getting screwed up). I am hiding the object I want in edit mode, but to my knowledge I have to switch back to object mode to select the second mesh, at which point, part of the first mesh reappears in edit mode again.

Sorry, does that make sense? Maybe all I’m lacking is the silly knowledge on how to cycle through different objects in edit mode so that it doesn’t reset my edit mode Hide of the first object?