3D recursive subdivision
3d_recursive_subdivision.blend (145.8 KB)
Added option to contract selection when setting negative values to Steps
Expand / Contract Selection
I’m NN, a blender beginner.
I tried a tension map on a cylinder object using your distributed geometry node group file.
But the tension and compression masks don’t work and the wrinkles are applied to the entire object.
(* In the example, something like RG mask? Is applied, and I recognize that it is the “mesh tension (node group)” that plays that role.)
Is my node construction wrong?
The Mesh Tension and noise texture capture attribute nodes have to be placed before mesh deformation (Because its comparing original edge lengths with deformed mesh edges lengths), and also green Geometry socket have to be connected too.
And Object scale hasn’t been applied
If you wanna get RG mask you can combine Tension and Compression to vector and Output Attribute to Shader editor
tension_map_test Fix.blend (177.5 KB)
I also find out that there is artifacts with using edge lengths because of domains interpolation so I switch to Face Area inside Mesh Tension node
Hope this help
Give this person a job at Blender Institute - ASAP
The way you use edge interpolation to calculate the point tangents is sorcery.
Thanks for your sorcery!
Edit: did some cleanup
face_inset_geo1.blend (106.5 KB)
Hi, attached is a slightly simplified version I butchered from yours to try understand the magic that was happening and it lead to a simplification of this part:
Based on this trig:
…and scale factor math from here.
Thanks for sharing your work and inspiring a greater depth of understanding GN.
Yeah I not sure my self how I found it, was lucky to find ratios that made sense and build on that.
The math is not my strong side, so I just found first triangle calculator on the net and pasted the formula in the node tree
Hey, Thanks for looking into it and making it better, gonna update it with your method
Thanks too much… I will try to try some of this… if my brain don’t explode
Geometry Visualizer
Creates Arrows on Vertex/Edge/Face to visualize Normal, Curve Tangent or Custom Directional Vectors
Also shows Vertex/Edge/Face indices
thank you! how did you define a stable tangent?
Sorry I’m not familiar with stable tangent
Hi @higgsas awesome work on these nodes!
are we allowed to these nodes on commercial projects? You didn’t specify a license i believe
ex procedural asset kits or plugins that use geonode