(Higgsas) Geometry Nodes Groups Blender 3.3/4.2

And yes, @Zebrahead, I’m having loads of fun with the setup you shared. Very versatile, very fast.

Now I’m dreaming with curved slicing/streets, but for that I guess we would have to resource to mesh boolean!



this is 100% procedural

I used points β†’ tesselated with blenderGIS β†’ used geonodes to turn edges into curves β†’ trim curves β†’ spawn a polygon at each intersection - (3 = triangle, 4 = quad etc)

Curve Intersection

curve_final_intersection.blend (176.2 KB)


Image Pixel Sorting

Edit: Added option so sort whole image

pixel_sorting.blend (2.7 MB)


Simply amazing – thanks for the new node!!!

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Hi Higgsas,

Is there a way to generate a 2D curve instead of a mesh with the Reaction Diffusion Solver node?

Hey, you can use Marching Squares Isoline line


Nice – thanks!

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This could yield some interesting cities I bet.

(like San fransisco where they are pushing max density)

I wonder if you could have curves on the scene to do β€œmain” artery and have it branch from there sonehow / sample the curves during diffusion.