high resolution texture problem

when i open an high resolution image with uv i get blender broken!!!
is blender can’t use high resolution textures??
if yes do you know a site that provide free low resolution textures??
please i need help cause this problem has stopped the making of my game…

What version of Blender are you using?

What is the resolution, size and type of file that you’re trying to open?

I just opened a 5,000 x 5,000 ~80meg .tga file in Blender 2.41 (Windows XP).


version 2.41
i don’t know how much is the resolution size but the image size is 180 kb

What’s the file type ? (tga, jpg, bmp …)

180kb is not going to be high res by any means.

What happpens if you open the file in another program (i.e. pbrush on Windows). If you can’t open it in another program, it’s either corrupt, or maybe you are trying to open a .zip or other compressed file.


it’s jpeg it’s not compressed or a .zip!!!
i have no problem when i oppen the image with “appercu de l’image” that come with windows
i have windows me pentuim 3 gforce2 128 mb ram

i fixed evry thing thanks

for good free low res textures, look up a lot of Quake dev sites, they have a lot of good ones. Here’s some good textures ( the software’s nice too for game design) . Note that these are .gif so you’ll need to convert them to use them in blender. Here’s another (haven’t sampled this one m’self) [URL=“http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=1183”]http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=1183 And another: http://forest.planetunreal.gamespy.com/