Highschool Modeling Demoreel 2011

Hey guys,This is my first demo reel, to show my progress as I’m finishing highschool and to enhance my portfolio. Special Thanks to Wes Talbott for his great concept on “Wallace”. I’ve been looking forward to posting this here for a while. It has been floating around on youtube and cgsoc for a while, but I couldn’t post it here due to the BA blackout.

<b>Model Details:</b>

'67 Vespa:

researched,modeled, textured, lit, and composited by myself.
Faces: 63972
Completion: January 2011

<b>Wallace: </b>

Modeling materials and lighting by myself. Concept by Wes Talbott
Faces: 84,436
Completion: February 2010
Anglerfish/Lionfish Hybrid</b>

concepted modeled, textured, lit, and composited by myself.
Faces: 50,096
Completion: June 2010

Special thanks to Chri Kling for introducing me to blender so long ago, it’s become the central tool I use in my work, and I don’t think I would have taken the chance with 3D if I hadn’t been introduced to such great open source software. also thanks to Wes Talbott for doing such awesome concepts over the years.


<Thread icon :stuck_out_tongue:

oh my… the music made me turn the volume off… lol it gets quite annoying :P… apart from that nice models!

Great Job :wink: love the fish

Hm, first time I’ve heard that. But Duly noted none the less. A lot of people watch reels muted, so I tried to make it work with and without. :wink:

@Boonze Thanks!

very nice :smiley: inspiring actually, now i wanna go make an evil fish!!

the models you have are great, and very impressive. I think you could maybe make it look more impressive by maybe throwing in some of those less-impressive-but-still-look-quite-good-if-you-dont-look-at-them-for-too-long modelsthat everyone has lying around their Hard-drive :D. maybe show a few props at once.

These are really good models, but it’s annoying that you made the person too dark on one side, and I couldn’t see all the details until you showed the wireframe. Other than that, I really like all your models! Keep up the good work.